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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Victor Whitmill, a tattoo artist who tattoos Ed Mike Tyson in the face, and is seeking an injunction to stop the headache alcohol: Part II to be released. He is suing Warner Bros. on the tattoo design that appears on the face and character actor Ed Helms’ in the film – a design which is similar to that made by the former boxer. He called it “one of the most distinctive tattoos in the nation,” reports Hollywoodreporter.com.
The film is scheduled to come out next month. And approved by Mr. Tyson, “When Mr. Whitmill create tattoos original, that Mr. Whitmill will own the artwork and, consequently, the copyright in the exploitation … tattoo original unauthorized tattoos original form: Whitmill filed a complaint in the state of Missouri, who introduced the infringement on the right Author. ”
He declined to comment to the bare case.
The Hangover: Part II stars Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis as well as the dream and was directed by Todd Phillips.

Gabrielle Giffor

Gabrielle Giffords and its treatment face some important decisions to make in the wake of Friday to postpone the launch of space shuttle Endeavour.
When Endeavour does not boot, will be Giffords husband, Mark Kelly, on top of the final journey, and the second to last of the shuttle program.
Killed Giffords, a member of Congress and the state of Arizona, in the head in an assassination attempt in Tucson in January, but was take what was described as a remarkable recovery, and was subject to intensive rehabilitation in Houston.
And was doing well enough to be flown to Florida to see what should have been the launch on Friday.
Now, with the delay takeoff until Monday at least, according to NASA, and possibly longer, and Giffords should return to Houston or continue her treatment in Florida, hoping to see the President of the Endeavour in space?
“It’s a bit of a call provision,” says Dr. Jonathan Fellus, a neurologist. “But a few days really should not make a big difference. It’s got a nurse with her, and perhaps the wizard, and they’re going to have to watch for signs of how she is doing.”
He said Fellus, who is medical director of Rehab Hospital in Meadowlands in Secaucus, New Jersey, “demonstrated in the early morning on Saturday,” co-anchor Rebecca Jarvis, a trip to Florida is in fact “an opportunity” to Giffords. “It’s really therapeutic outing to test some of the skills acquired in Rehab,” he said. “It probably at least one processor with it, or they brought in the Wizard to work with them locally, they will work on skills they learned, they probably will not go for three days without treatment.”
What if the late start of a longer period?
“Once again,” Fellus replied: “It is a call provision. I would say, if a few days, not a big difference, and if we go in a week to ten days, it may be best to have her back in that environment to control (in Houston) It really depends on how they do not. they’re going to be alert to indicate whether the signs of relapse. ”

“It is unlikely that (ie, regression) that would constitute a setback is permanent, but you do not want to be falling into some bad habits, and because, the longer they go on, then there is greater chance of getting her frustration or anger. But, It is very possible that he may cause a permanent setback

Hawaiian Chili Beef

By Syeda Abida Qamar This is a very good chili is made from pineapple for sweetness. Since this recipe is great, you might want to go half installment if this is only for a small family.

3Pounds Ground Beef
5 Onions Chopped
2 Red bell Peppers, Seeded and Chopped
2 (146 ounce) cans Stewed Tomatoes, with Juice
2 (16 ounce) cans Kidney Beans, with Liquid
1 (12 ounce) can Tomato Sauce
1 (14 ounce) can Pineapple Chunks, Drained
2 Tablespoons Chili Powder
1 Teaspoons Salt
1. Heat a large Dutch oven until hot on the high temperature. Add ground beef and cook until barely pink, stirring constantly to break into small pieces. Eased in moving the onion, pepper, and cook until browned meat, onions and turned transparent, about 5 minutes. For meat in a large mesh strainer and press to expel excess fat.
2. Place meat back to the Dutch oven along with stewed tomatoes, beans, tomato sauce, cut pineapple; season with chili powder and salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium low and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, or until you reach the desired consistency of chili.

Old Fire Trucks

Old Truck with this fine specimen from 1912

The picture was taken in Washington DC, and it shows another truck from the Woodward and Lothrop Department Store.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Fashions from the 1950s

It's Friday and I...

... am so excited! The May, and final, NoMU poster arrived and should be up shortly!
... am having a girls night at our place tonight! Girls + dress-up theme = loads of fun!
... cannot stop buying boots! It's definitely my Winter must-have.
... would LOVE if you can squeeze in a few last votes before it closes on Sunday. Vote for me in the Sports Illustrated New Model Search by following this link, then clicking on 'vote'. Thank you!
... have received great feedback from the public with regards to my Playboy casting's photos, so I'm holding thumbs. Tightly.
... can't wait for this whole Royal Wedding to just get over and done with! Kate, enjoy your 'crown jewels'.
... LOVE the month of April with all its public holidays. Another long weekend awaits.
... haven't been to gym in weeks and I feel so guilty!
... love how my life has changed in such a short time! Dig it.

Ok, keeping it short and sweet! Happy Friday and enjoy the long weekend. Play nice.

This is what I've been up to!

So you probably wondered where the hell I am and why I'm so quiet on the blogging front? I've been an extremely busy girl, being very productive with my modeling career.

First up was the photo shoot with with Alyssa Buttgen (fellow model and Sports Illustrated New Model Search hopeful) and Martin Tucker (The Keg King), done by the talented photographer, Robert Miller, for the final NoMU poster campaign! The poster should be up in May at the Engen on Orange, so be sure to get your pose on! Trust me, NoMU is ending this poster campaign with a bang. To coincide with the launch of their latest product, drinking chocolate (there goes my diet), the theme chosen is: The Final Temptation of The Keg King: Hot or Cold. I think it's rather brilliant, because not only is The Keg King torn between the hot (devilish, me) or cold (angel faced, Alyssa) girls, but he can't decide whether he wants his drinking chocolate hot or cold. And trust me, either way is just simply delicious! Well done on this fabulous product, NoMU! Peeps, keep your eyes on my blog and NoMU's website for details on how to enter and what the prizes are. I WISH I could enter!

Michelle Dickman is the MUA of choice! We love her.

The lighting had to be perfect!

Death by drinking chocolate!

Look mom, no hands.

Nothing 'cold' about this angel.

My devil outfit

And so the #hotorcold Tweetfest started!

It's good to be The King!

Two days later I attended a National Cleavage Day party, held at one of my favourite party spots, Living Room, to be part of a fashion show. At first I imagined 'ramp', which is not my forte, but this was a fashion show like no other. They turned the VIP area into a mini studio and did a live photo shoot while everyone partied and watched and took photos. We were five models and each changed into four different lingerie sets. At the same time it was a launch for a new lingerie label, French Knickers. They're stuff are really so amazing and sexy! I will post more about this in the near future. Overall, the evening was a huge success and such a cool experience!
The white scene.

The red and black scene.

The 'fantasy' scene.

We started around 23h00 and finished close to 03h00! Some behind-the-scenes photos:

The Burlesque scene was first up!

Tequila for the nerves.

The two designers of French Knickers Lingerie.

After the show, we partied and celebrated National Cleavage Day!

The following evening I went to Ceres for my cousin's dress-up party! I went as a Playboy bunny. Obviously.

My cousin really needs to change the date setting on her camera.

Pixie, Playboy bunny and Pregant Pink lady. Can you guess the theme?


So, next on my to-do list was the casting call for Playboy SA!

Waiting in the hotel room at the Pepper Club Hotel, where the casting was held, and ready to show them what I've got! The May issue of Playboy in my hand.

Some of the photos they sent me. 
For the casting, the girls had to pose in lingerie, then topless, followed by an interview while everything got video recorded. Clips of the day were published on zoopy.com later that day. Each girl had 30min for the casting. It went really great and I wasn't nervous at all. The people from Playboy were extremely nice and made me feel very comfortable! Now for the big wait!

What else have I been up to? Let's see...

I featured on Beach Watch and I'm the Bounce Girl for May. Read the interview, view the photos and download the May calendar on The Bounce, here. I also did an interview this morning with a JHB based newspaper, with regards to a certain challenge I accepted should the Boks win the rugby world cup. So, again, keep your eyes on my blog.

Then after all the hard work, I partied some more, held babies, went shopping, dumped the boyfriend, signed with an agency, ate loads of Easter eggs and did all the things girls do!

At Scarlet Lounge

One of my best friends had the most beautiful baby girl! I think this is a good look for me.

Partying with my cousin!

Dancing at Casa Blanca

And that's it for now! Enjoy the long weekend!
Take care, folks!